A public input session to gather feedback on proposed plans for Edwards Park has been scheduled for 6 p.m. on Thursday, March 7, in the City Council Chambers of Ames City Hall, 515 Clark Ave. Parks and Recreation Department staff will provide a short overview of the project followed by a series of activities to determine priorities for the future park.
Edwards Park is planned for the former Edwards School property, which is located on the corner of Westwood Drive and Woodland Street. When complete, the 6-acre parcel may include a parking lot, play structure, green space, shelter, picnic tables, drinking fountain, splash pad, or other features.
The park is anticipated to be developed over the next year to 18 months. Once a master plan is developed for the park, residents will have another opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed design. Those who would like to provide feedback but are unable to attend the meeting should send comments to Abraham at kabraham@cityofames.org