An account can only be in one name except for married couples. Married couples may have both names listed on the account.
Can a utility service be transferred from one roommate’s name to another roommate’s name?
The service can be transferred by terminating the current account and establishing a new account. The roommate who wants to take the service out or their name should contact our office to terminate their service or go to our web site and submit a “stop service” request. The roommate who wants to transfer the service into their name will need to complete an application for service. Applications for service are available in our office or on our web site under the “start service” link.
Can anyone pay a utility bill?
Anyone may make a payment on a bill. We will need the customer’s account number or their name and service address in order to apply the payment to the correct account.
Can utility deposits be transferred between roommates?
A deposit stays with the name of the person on the account. It cannot be transferred between roommates. When one person closes their account, their deposit will be applied to their final bill and a refund sent to them for any remaining balance. The new customer will need to sign up for service and pay their own deposit.
Does the Utility offer level or even payment plans (budget billing)?
Budget billing is available to all residential customers and all commercial customers whose average electric consumption is less than three thousand kilowatt-hours per month. Contact our office at 515-239-5120 to sign up for budget billing.
How soon do I need to inform the Utility to start, stop or transfer my utility service?
We require at least one business day’s notice to start, stop or transfer a service. We can provide same day service, if you need it, for a $25 fee. More notice may be required during times of peak turnover which is typically during July and August.
Is a deposit required to start my utility service?
A deposit is required to start service but will be waived if you provide us with an acceptable credit reference from an electric, gas, or water utility. An acceptable credit reference will show that you had utility service in your name for at least 9 consecutive months during the previous 24 months and that you paid your monthly bills in-full, by the due date, each month. You will need to contact your current or previous utility company and ask them to mail or fax us a credit reference.
May I change the due date of my utility bill?
We cannot change the due date of the bill. There are eight billing cycles in Ames and due dates are based on when your meter is read. Your bill is mailed shortly after your meter is read and the bill is due 21 days after the bill is mailed.
What do I do if there is a power outage?
If you are experiencing a power outage, call the Ames Electric Services power outage automated system at 515-239-5240.
What is budget billing?
Budget billing is a payment plan that allows you to level out the amount of your monthly utility bills. You are still responsible for your actual charges. Your monthly bill amount is the estimated charges on your account for the next 12 months divided by 12. The difference between your actual charges and your budget billing charges are settled-up (added to or subtracted from your account balance) on an annual basis or when you terminate your account. The budget billing amount will be reviewed and adjusted on at least annual basis.
What utility services does the City of Ames provide?
We provide electric, water and sewer service within the City of Ames. Garbage service is provided by private contractors (check the yellow pages) and gas service is provided by Alliant Energy 800-822-4348.
When do I get my utility deposit back?
The deposit will be applied to your account after you have paid your bill in-full, by the due date of your bills, for 12 consecutive months. If you terminate your service, and your deposit has not been refunded, then the deposit will be applied to your final bill. A refund check will be mailed to you for any remaining credit balance.
When is my utility bill considered late and a late fee assessed?
A bill is considered late if not paid by the due date of the bill. One late bill is allowed each calendar year without a late fee being assessed. After one late payment, a late fee of 1.5% of the bill amount is charged to the account for each late payment.
Where do I pay Parking Tickets?
City of Ames parking tickets which are less than 30 days old can be paid at Ames City Hall, 515 Clark Avenue, Ames, Iowa, to the Cashier inside the east door between 8 am and 5 pm, or; payments can be placed in the drop box in front of Ames City Hall (east side), or; payments can be placed in the drop box located on Welch Avenue in the campustown area. These locations are also listed on your ticket. If you have questions about the amount you owe or if a specific ticket is too old to pay to the City of Ames, contact Finance Customer Service at 515-239-5283. If your ticket is more than 30 days old, it could be filed with the Ames Clerk of Court and would have to be paid to them. Check with the Finance Department to see if it has been filed.
These are handled through the Ames branch of the Clerk of Court. If you simply want to pay the ticket, and an appearance is not required, then you can either mail or bring the appropriate copy of the ticket, plus the fine to the Clerk of Court’s office, 515 Clark Avenue, Ames, Iowa 50010. If you must or want to appear in court, the courtroom is located at Ames City Hall. Your date of appearance should be written on your ticket. For questions or to change a court appearance, contact the Clerk of Court. 515-239-5140. If the ticket was issued outside of Story County, there should be a corresponding address for the local Clerk of Court’s office near the top of the citation. Send the ticket plus fine to that address.